February 23, 2017

Different Types of Shoe Last Opening| Part 2

Different types of shoe last opening

In the previous post I talked with you about components of shoe lasts and their function.  Among the components that I listed was a link hinge. Now in this post we will talk about this link hinge or about different types of shoe last opening. I also will answer on one of the most asked questions: is the specific type of last opening important to make your own shoes.

The Types of Last’s Opening

After you will last your shoes they will fit tightly the last. So to take finished shoes off the last in the easiest way and without damage to the shoes, shoe lasts can be opened or can be shortened.
It can be done, because lasts consists off few parts and have inner spring that allow it to open. There are several types of last openings. They may have different names (  factory sometimes has their specific name), but the principle of their opening is the same. 

Now let’s discuss most common

1. Last with removable  cone


The cone (the top part of the last that includes the instep) is absolutely removable by clicking on the spring’s pin. 


2. Last with folding hinge

To open this last and take off your shoes you need to fold the back part upwards. The last will be shorten and you will take your shoes off the lasts with no effort. 


3. The last with sliding hinge


This type of hinged last was made specially for shoes that must be inserted after they are already sewn, like moccasins, california etc.  
The back part is pushed upwards, the last gets shorter and you can place the sewn upper on the last and take it off in the same way after you’ll finish your shoes.

4. Lasts with one solid construction


Most of them are sandal lasts. Sandals have open uppers or they consist of straps and that is why it is easy to take sandals off the lasts.

Now the question is : does the type of last opening meter in making your shoes?

If you want to make real moccasins like in my How To Make Moccasin Course  you need to have last with sliding hinge. 

Because, first you need to sew the upper of moccasins that consist of vamp part ( that has tongue shape ) and quarter/insole parts that have one cut pattern. Only then you should place the sewn moccasin upper on the last.  That’s why the last with sliding hinge is the best type of last opening for this shoe model.

For any other shoe type you can use last with any of the mentioned above types of last opening.

In the next post we will talk with you about different shoe lasts types. Stay tune and have a great weekend. 

That is it for today! Now have you learned something new today? Let me know in the comments below. 

All Shoemaking Supplies 

If you want to make shoes there is no way around it, you will need knifes, hammers, leather, glue, shanks, boards, and everything else to get the job done.
For that purpose I have created a detailed list of everything you need to make shoes.

About the author 

Sveta Kletina

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  1. What does “removable by clicking on the spring’s pin ” mean? I have a last like this, it has hole through high up instep. Do I put rope in hole and pull? I thank you

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