March 16, 2015

Beginner Shoemaker Challenge

Beginner Shoemaker Challenge

Beginner Shoemaker Challenge

Today’s post will be all about upcoming “Beginner Shoemaker Challenge”. I am very excited about it and I have many reasons to be this way, because I will have another opportunity to help you  become  better shoemakers, specially to ones of you who are just getting started with this wonderful craft.

Just before I will jump into explaining what this challenge series will be all about, just wanted to let you know that I am currently working on new programs for online shoemaking courses, new case studies and great posts. This is pretty much the reason why there were no posts recently, but we have great guest post coming soon. We taking it to more commercial, business aspect of shoemaking, which I been asked a lot.
So I really wanted to give you the best perspective on the subject and it’s all coming soon with my first guest post, here at shoemaking courses online. He will be explaining everything you need to know about trade shows and everything else.  


Here is a nice SlideShare Global Footwear Market Trends, Developments and Prospects by Euromonitor International


Beginner Shoemaker Challenge


There is a big group of beginners and less experienced makers here on my courses, people that never made a shoe in their life never learned pattern making, never attended any shoemaking courses. That is perfectly fine as they have the passion for it, and we all been there and know it is not easy.  

When you start learning this craft you will experience ups and downs, difficulties that you will need to overcome, and that is a fact. Only if I could enter inside of your head to see it from your point of view, what you are really struggling with, will give me a true perspective on how to upgrade my courses and make this experience and learning process more efficient.


So, I invented brain scanner that will scan your brain while you watching my courses and it will send this information back to me. Sounds good, right?

It was a joke!  Although, it is a good idea for marketers!

I don’t have this kind of machine but I really wanted to follow a total beginner in his journey to make shoes, so I thought of this challenge.

The Challenge

I will challenge someone who never made a per of shoes in his life, never learned pattern making or had any background in this field. This will give me and you my dear readers the opportunity to follow the process from a beginner point of view. We will see the progress and what are the key moments in his success or failure. All the process will be documented here on the blog and at the special facebook group that I just created.   


I found this person and I am very excited that he accepted the challenge. I am excited because this person is my business partner. He deals with everything regarding, marketing, finance and other gibberish that I don’t know anything about, but what he doesn’t do is making shoes.


Another important point about this person and why it is personal for me is, that my business partner is also my life partner, my soulmate, my husband.
His name Is Evgeni, he is a filmmaker and a really nice guy! ( more to come)


Terms of the Challenge

To make this challenge real there are 3 conditions that he has to follow.


  • He will have to watch lessons just like any other member on the site without my intervention.
  • Questions and communication by email only.
  • Documenting the process (and sharing).


I think this is the only way this challenge could work if he will face the problems on his own and have the same support as every other member of this platform.   


Beginner Shoemaker Challenge Series

Obviously, it’s can’t be done in a day or even a week, so he will be posting his progress here on the site in a continuous series of posts. Yes, I will give him the stage and it will be educating for me as it will be for you, I am sure.
More than that, and I mentioned it above, I just opened a new group in Facebook especially for this project, but I think it could be a great place to share our progress for other projects as well. It is a closed group but you all welcome to join.  

Evgeni will share there everything beyond the posts series of this challenge.


Participating this challenge  


You can also share this journey with Evgeni, especially if you just enrolled recently in my courses. You could help each other to overcome problems, exchange knowledge, solutions, and ideas.

I personally encourage you to do so, even if you already in more advanced stages. This is very simple and always works, when you explain something, teach someone ( even if it is something that you just learned yourself) it will not only help this person but will also help you to understand it better.  


Here is our facebook group

Make Your Own Shoes: Shoemaking Courses Group

It is a closed group so ask to join. See you there.

We start the challenge this week, so you welcome to follow and participate.

Evgeni, good luck!

Get involved in this challenge and leave a comment below.  

About the author 

Sveta Kletina

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  1. Hi,

    What a great idea ! I love the facebook group aswell ! I can’t start directly cause i am preparing my journey for my fashion label (set up and visiting some factory’s) plus also a piece of holliday but i will be back in May and start then.Also i will follow up these posts plus on facebook :the group.I can do that on my trip.I just can not do it in practice in the next coming weeks but i will do that when i am back.
    Thanks for sharing this ! I am happy i found you ! 🙂

    Kind regards,


    1. Hi Carina,
      You always welcome to join the challenge and I wish you good luck with your fashion label. What are you going to produce? Are you designing shoes yourself?


  2. Hi there! Greetings from Argentina!!
    I must confess I am really excited about this, it is a wonderfull idea! I just asked to enter the group, it is awesome. I have had my first lesson from you, and now I am trying my best to apply it to new models. You are the best! Thank you so much!

  3. Hello wanted to know if you are going to YouTube the videos? I don’t have Facebook but I have a YouTube I’m really interested in this coarse I’m a beginner and trying to start my own business with this to take off like major shoe company it will be a really good hit. I have 6 kids and they are bigger feet then average kids so I have to make shoes for them and me now because I wear a 12.5 which is 46 or 47 in euro size can you help me please with this also I think this is a great for people like me wanting to learn

    1. Hello,
      I am sure that you can learn it in my courses but you got confused about the challenge. In a challenge we will follow a beginner in his journey of making his first shoes. You can follow the blog and join our facebook group.
      To learn how to make shoes for yourself and kids you welcome to join my courses, check the courses page



  4. I would like to follow this beginning shoe maker adventure, of you client husband, finding the path to making shoes and on a beginning perspective .

    I have not made a pair of shoes and am considering learning. I have been looking in the library and online.

    I have had shoe fitting obstacles since childhood. (My daughter wears 2 different sizes.) The libray has very little information.
    This challenge sounds like a beginner and that’s where I’d be, a beginner.

    I’m a sewer and knitter of many years. I’m a left-handed individual.

    My feet are sort of big. Especially, my large toe and I used to walk wearing my shoes down on the heels. I wore corrective shoes as a child. I now walk evenly on my shoes but, it was a trial for me to learn to take each step. I saw the shoemaker as a friend and had wonderful leather shoes as a child.

    I’m looking forward to following this and learning to make shoes. ( I have no tools, but paper and tape.)
    Thanks for this opportunity.

  5. hello, i really love dis, though i have “no idea on making shoes” bt i have “great interest to learn, i have great passion for shoes (though i dnt have so many of it dat i wear). Pls am new bt ready to learn, if your’re willing to be my teacher :). Though i can try making simple slipper n sandals bt have no idea on shoe making. Pls help. Tnx

    1. Hi, that is great. This platform is great for beginners to learn and practice shoemaking, you can sign up and start from the basic courses to follow the shoemaking program on the site.

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